What We All Can Learn From Dave Chappelle’s Netflix Special, “Closer”

Savage Self-Love
8 min readOct 12, 2021
Dave Chappelle Netflix Special “Closer”

In Dave Chappelle’s new Netflix Special, “Closer”, he refers to his comedy as art. I think he’s wrong. It’s much more than that. It’s a commentary of the human experience and an emotional appeal to remember our true nature as human beings. But that’s what comedy has always been for Black people. It’s been an outlet for us to share our pain, history, similarities, and differences in a manner that’s inherently poetic — because it always us to laugh. To laugh at our misfortunes and ignorance — and share our wisdom, while opening doors for understanding and communication. Dave Chappelle did nothing less than this. As his special was a comedic journey taking a transparent,” no bars held” look at the human experience through a much-needed lens — empathy.

I woke up this morning and Dave Chave Chappelle was on the menu for the social media vultures. Not everyone was outraged, but there were accusations about him being transphobic and making transphobic jokes, in his new Netflix Special “Closer”. Apparently, the LGBTQ community is in an uproar, and Netflix refuses to take the special down. My curiosity was piqued. Not just because I’m nosey (which I am), but I thought to myself, “ Damn Netflix is standing with Dave Chappelle and not the gays?! Ohhhh!!! The fuck is going on?!” (I can say this because I’m black and bisexual lol) Anyway…



Savage Self-Love

If you're gonna be a savage at anything -- it might as well be at loving yourself. - Sieara Smith, CEO