How I Learned To Love & Accept Myself …And How You Can Too

Sieara Smith
7 min readNov 29, 2021
How to love and accept yourself, how to love yourself, how to practice self-love, how to improve your self-esteem, how to accept yourself
How to love and accept yourself

“It’s funny— it took almost 30 years for me to realize how much I didn’t love myself. To me — it just seemed like I was unloveable.”- SS

I’ve had one shitty relationship after the next and I began wondering what I was doing wrong? Why was I attracting people who made me feel, well, like shit? Why was I always the problem? (And not just with my romantic…



Sieara Smith

Candid Self-Love… How to make it through the good, bad, and ugly of learning how to love yourself, and your life.