3 Major Signs You Don’t Love Yourself

Savage Self-Love
7 min readJul 16, 2022

You’re born loving yourself. You don’t know any better. Nobody has told you that you aren’t good enough. Nobody has made you feel ugly or like you have to put them first to be loved and accepted. The world hasn’t shit on you -yet. Or, maybe it had, but you were a baby, what did you know?

The point is that now you’ve come to a crossroads. To something that has made you ask yourself if you actually love yourself. It could’ve been a bad breakup or, the dreary overcast of depression and self-doubt that have sparked your wonder. Whatever it was, you’ve come to the right place because I’m an expert, at not loving yourself.

A little over a year ago, I asked myself this very same question; do I love myself? It turns out–I didn’t, and it was bad. I mean worse than spending $200 on a fresh silk press and it’s raining when you leave the salon. Now, a little over a year later, after a shit ton of therapy, I can confidently say I know the signs of not loving yourself. ( My therapist pointed them out to me every week for the past year.) More importantly, I know what you can do to begin changing it. (Thankfully, she pointed these things out too.)

So, here are 3 significant signs that you don’t actually love yourself, and what you can do to begin changing that.

First Major Sign You Don’t Love Yourself

You’re a people pleaser



Savage Self-Love

If you're gonna be a savage at anything -- it might as well be at loving yourself. - Sieara Smith, CEO